Our Vision
To be a leading, innovative, Christ-centred learning community that inspires students to be caring, confident and creative citizens.
Our Mission
Geelong Lutheran College shares the mission of all Lutheran schools and aims to encourage and support students, informed and sustained by the word of God, to develop their God-given talents so that they may shape and enrich their world.
Our Crest - The Luther Rose
The Geelong Lutheran College crest incorporates the Luther Rose, which can be found in Lutheran churches and institutions throughout the world.
In the words of Martin Luther:
There is a black cross in the naturally red heart; for from the heart we must believe in Jesus, who was crucified for our salvation.
The painful reality of the cross should promote a living faith within the heart.
The heart stands in a white rose to show a faith that is giving joy, comfort and peace.
The rose is white, the colour of purity to show that our joy does not come from the darkness of the world.
The rose is placed in a sky blue field; for our joy in Jesus is already a beginning of heavenly things, as we understand our salvation.
All this is encircled by a golden ring; for our heavenly salvation lasts forever and is more precious than anything else.
Our Motto
The College Motto 'Christ is All' is taken from Colossians 3:11.
The theme is central to life itself. For to the believer, life is a living, intimate, everlasting relationship with God Himself. Christ is the only way to that life in which the believer is committed to follow the way of Christ’s love in all aspects of living, both on earth and in heaven.
Our Values
Geelong Lutheran College endeavours to achieve its educational mission through the following values:
Wisdom 'I think'
Discernment - Demonstrate reflective judgement
Resilience - Develop a growth mindset and personal wellbeing strategies
Curiosity - Critically question, creatively problem solve, strive to learn
Honour 'I am'
Courage - Face challenges with determination
Integrity - Remain steadfast to their principles and values
Respect - Demonstrate care, dignity and respect to self and others
Purpose 'I do'
Compassion - Demonstrate care and a servant heart for others
Service - Contribute with confidence to make a positive impact
Responsibility - Accept accountability for own learning, actions and obligations.
Profile of a GLC Student
At Geelong Lutheran College we develop students who extol, Wisdom, Honour and Purpose.
We have developed a profile that depicts all the qualities of a Geelong Lutheran College Student. It is a framework which hones the opportunities for student growth from a holistic perspective, preparing each student for their post-school career and life.
Each of our students are gifted in numerous ways. Along with a focus on academic excellence. we believe that a holistic approach to education is delivered through experiences which enhances students social and emotional development, physical and mental wellbeing and opportunities to engage in a strong faith based pastoral care program.