5 March 2020
It’s with great delight that I welcome you to the 2020 academic year in my new role as Head of Primary at Geelong Lutheran College – St John’s Newtown. As I seek to continue Sue Ellis’ outstanding leadership of the past two years, I will no doubt benefit from the opportunity of working closely with her as she takes up her new role as cross-campus Principal. Along with Sue’s contribution to the St John’s and Armstrong Creek campuses, I will also value the strategic guidance provided by Head of College, Jill Lange-Mohr. As a College community we will continue to strive to remain an inclusive, caring, Christ-centred learning environment.
It’s hard to believe that we are already in week six, although when I reflect on all that we have achieved it comes as less of a surprise. Events such as the cross-country and athletics carnivals provided a lively start, while our community engagement was strengthened with our annual appearance at the Pako St Festa on February 29.
Knowing that our Year 1 to 5 swimming program, Year 4 Kitchen Garden curriculum and Year 6 Canberra camp are all up and away reminds me of just what rich, diverse and busy learning experiences we enjoy at St John’s Newtown.
In conclusion, please be reminded that:
· the exterior fence is nearing completion,
· March 20 Harmony Day is drawing close,
· the May 9 Mother’s Day Fete will soon be upon us,
· and Kindergarten and Prep enrolments have opened for 2021.
Please note Kindergarten and Prep enrolments close on April 30, so don’t let your friends and family miss the opportunity to join the St John’s Newtown community!
Mr Stephen Illingworth
Head of Primary
St John’s Newtown