29 April 2024
In the first week of Term 2, both our campuses held special assemblies to commemorate ANZAC Day.
At GLC St John's Newtown, Kinder to Year 6 students, staff and family members gathered in The Plaza on Friday 26 April to honour the history, bravery and sacrifice of those who have served. Alongside performances from the choirs, the School Captains and representatives from each year level laid a wreath that had been made by their class.
At GLC Armstrong Creek, all Prep to Year
12 students and staff
filed into Dhurrung, our Gym, on
Wednesday 24 April to
commemorate ANZAC
Day. A special mention
to Mr Norman who
shared about his time
in the Navy and Airforce.
During the service,
representatives from
each Primary class came
forward to lay a wreath
created by their class.