14 August 2023
Preps at both our campuses recently celebrated their 100th day at school.
On Friday 4 August, the St John's Newtown Preps celebrated 100 Days of School by dressing up a ‘little bit older’, and their outfits were fantastic. The students made 100 days smarter crowns, a macaroni necklace, and decorated the number 100 with biscuits. A wonderful day was had by all, creating lots of special memories.
Then on Monday 7 August, the Armstrong Creek Preps celebrated being 100 days smarter. They came dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up. From a surgeon to a hairdresser to a mechanic to astronauts – the options are boundless for these students. Throughout the day they did their exercises to 100, created a portrait of ourselves at 100, and found different ways of building 100 in our classroom with groups of 10.
Congratulations to all our amazing Preps!