22 July 2022
From 6 to 8 July, the GLC staff gathered either face-to-face or virtually to attend the Australian Conference for Lutheran Educators.
With educators from all over Australia, it was truly special to sit amongst fellow members of Lutheran Schools and Early Childhood Centres. So, what is a Lutheran School? Geelong Lutheran College is part of a system with over 80 schools and 58 Early Childhood Centres, which educates well over 40,000 students each year in Australia.
The long tradition of Lutheran schooling has been part of our country’s history since the first school commenced in 1839. We also have our own tertiary institution, Australian Lutheran College which provides specific training for Pastors and teachers in Lutheran schools in order to promote a distinctive ethos in its schools.
Lutheran Schools are based on solid understandings about people and life. God’s word, as revealed in the Bible is the authority for living and learning in each school or ELC. We believe that God’s Spirit is active in the lives of the community, leading children and families to know and trust in God.
What a blessing it is to work and serve in our wonderful school where God’s love is shared openly. We are very proud to be part of the Lutheran Education Australia system.
Sue Ellis