8 April 2022
As we approach the term break, it has been valuable to take time to reflect on the start of the 2022 academic year.
Sustaining a face-to-face teaching and learning program for the longest period in two years has not been without challenges for all our community. However, there has been a sense of positivity and spirit that has pervaded the College at both campuses. This has been most uplifting and helped sustain us all.
It has been extremely satisfying watching our Captains take on their new roles with vigour and maturity, leading their peers and fulfilling their roles with confidence. Over the Term they have led a number of formal events, supported sports programs, assisted with chapels and assemblies and worked with teachers to prepare for learning opportunities and celebrations. It is wonderful to support young leaders in their development.
As we prepare for an opportunity to ‘meet’ with families at the Parent/Teacher/Student discussions, we encourage you to consider areas of strength and growth for your child to ensure goal setting is part of these discussions.
The strength of our College is in our community, and we thank you sincerely for the support you continue to provide which enables us to grow your children.
Blessings for the break and I pray you each find time to remember the gift of eternal life we are offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus as we celebrate Easter.