28 March 2022
What a joy to commence the school year with such optimism for 2022.
We are thankful that our community has been able to enjoy face to face learning with minimal interruptions, albeit with some families and staff being affected by COVID for periods of time. I extend a warm welcome to our new teaching, general and facilities staff, students and families who have joined the Geelong Lutheran College community this year. It has been most pleasing to see how quickly our new students have settled in as they navigate their learning environments.
Already this year we have enjoyed seeing our Prep students be presented with their Beginner Bibles, gifted by members of the Geelong Lutheran Church congregations, a welcome picnic night for our Primary parents, the Year 12 Life event, the dedication of our new AC campus building names and smoking ceremony and many other events which has reinvigorated our sense of community. School camps are underway along with a range sporting events and opportunities. It is most evident that our students are enjoying full participation in all that school has to offer. Road access to the car park and the completion of Burvilles Road is planned for June. Walking to and from the Armstrong Creek Town Centre car park has quickly become a favourite way for students to start and finish the day and it eases the traffic congestion. In the busyness of school life, routines, homework, sports practice, music lessons, dance recitals and all that is, ‘life’ it is worth pausing to acknowledge the blessing it is to be together as a community. Blessings for the remainder of the term.