23 June 2020
The end of Term 2 is almost upon us. It has been the most unusual term of my professional career and I’m certain a most memorable one for all of our students and families. We are accustomed to thinking about achievement and progress at the end of a semester of schooling, and this has certainly been the case as our staff work with students to complete assessment tasks, draw together the threads of a term’s learning and undertake the task of student reporting.
However, this term, conversations about achievement and progress are much broader, as we reflect on the learning undertaken in remote learning. Our children have learned much more than what is reflected in a curriculum plan. Perhaps here are some of the lessons learned that will have lasting value for them:
· When we face big problems, the solution lies in us working together
· Caring for and considering others often means making a personal sacrifice
· Our governments are a blessing to us when they act to protect our community and support the vulnerable
· Friendships make life rich, and in times of separation there are still ways to be a friend and share a friendship
· There are ways of working through times of anxiety and uncertainty, seeking and offering support
· Times of quiet and even of boredom can bring forth creativity and renewal
· Flexibility and perseverance are qualities that bring success
I encourage all in our GLC community to consider the lessons that you and your children have learned during this term and celebrate this learning together.
It has been wonderful having almost everyone back here at school. The buzz in the classrooms and the busyness of the playground have been truly joyful! Some things are still a little different for us; for example, the Primary School has gathered virtually for Assembly from our classrooms using Teams. Our drop-off and pick-ups look different, bringing and opportunity for increased independence for some of our students. Some classroom routines are different. However, our focus on community and our love of learning and personal growth remains constant, and we look forward to building on this in Term 3.