17 February 2021
‘The ‘Seven4You’ program is designed to transition Year 7 students from Primary School to Secondary School, while offering rich opportunities for growth. Our students will develop their God-given gifts and talents, discover how to learn and practice a growth mindset. This program encourages an inclusive and nurturing environment in which students feel safe and able to take learning risks. Students will develop a greater understanding of self, form positive connections with each other, while acknowledging the role they can play in the wider community.
Through collaborative projects, students will engage in critical thinking, rigorous inquiry, research and reflection, while strengthening both their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Connections between students and the community through a project-based learning focus will ensure a personal approach to learning.
Week 1-4 Overview: 7HF Mr Flavell
As a Wellbeing Mentor and Seven4You Teacher, I have witnessed the individual and holistic growth of students since the start of Term 1 within Seven4You.
Throughout Term 1, students have gained a valuable insight into who they are and how they can contribute to the formation of relationships. This has been represented in the ability to collaborate with fellow Year 7 Mentor Groups and create open discussions in “circle time” activities. The ability for students to understand the use of ICT platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, OneNote, and Simon created a smooth transition into secondary schooling. This was demonstrated through the student’s ability to successfully structure and send emails to staff and students including the development of stored folders for each subject area. What Seven 4 You has created for the Year 7s is a foundational level of success and opportunity to begin their journey. They are therefore equipped with the knowledge and skills to better prepare them for their learning and develop their overall organizational skills. Ultimately, what we can see in the classroom as teachers is being implemented on a social level within the school community, allowing our students to become active and informed citizens for years to come.
Mr Hamish Flavell
Year 7HF Wellbeing Mentor and Seven4You Teacher
Week 1-4 Overview: 7SR Mr Reid
We have had a terrific start to the Seven4You program. In only a few short weeks we have had the opportunity to utilise our open learning areas by bringing classrooms together in these dynamic spaces. It has been a pleasure to see different classes collaborating with each other and learning a variety of skills that will develop them as learners and individuals. So far, we have focused on understanding the College values and how each student can show Wisdom, Honour and Purpose in his or her life. We then progressed to making connections; we did this by allowing students the opportunity to step back to try and understand who they are and, create a brochure that represents them, their values, beliefs, hobbies and interest. In the coming week, they will then go on a gallery tour of all the Year 7s brochures and make connections with other students by finding similarities within these brochures. Whilst completing all of this, we have also had mini sessions within the Seven4You program where students have learned to appropriately formulate emails to ask for help and have developed their organisational skills by being able to use folders appropriately on their laptop, to hopefully never lose those important documents.
It is only the beginning, but we are very excited and looking forward to seeing the students develop lifelong skills that they will be able to use in-school and out in the broader community during this program.
Mr Sam Reid
Year 7SR Wellbeing Mentor; Seven4You Teacher