7 February 2020
Welcome to the new academic year. Personally, I love the concept of this year being 2020. It reminds me of 20/20 vision, which is better than perfect vision. It’s visual acuity, a measurement of how sharp your vision is. As we commence our 2020 academic year, we continue to use our Strategic Vision 2019 – 2023 as our road map in all our planning and decision making.
We were delighted to welcome over a hundred new students to the College this year. With an increased enrolment growth of 15.8% and three new schools opening in Armstrong Creek this year, we are delighted that personal recommendations continue to be the most frequently cited reason that families have chosen to enrol their child/ren at the College.
The new Leadership Structure, as communicated to families in 2019, is proving to be successful. We wish God’s blessings to the following staff in their new roles:
· Sue Ellis Principal (both campuses)
· Vicki Schilling Head of Primary AC
· Sharlene Tattersall Head of Secondary AC
· Georgia Quirk Dean of Students (Secondary)
I also congratulate Steve Illingworth on his new role of Head of Primary at GLC St John’s Newtown.
I am delighted that we now have a new combined campus website https://www.glc.vic.edu.au/Please give your feedback to Wes Cusworth, our Marketing and Community Relations Officer: wes.cusworth@glc.vic.edu.au
The recent PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) results for Australia caused a frenzy of concern in the media. The Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia recently published a report which showed that, based on mean scores, Australian independent schools rank very highly against top-performing countries and economies: third in reading literacy; fourth in scientific literacy; and eighth in mathematical literacy. Clearly these results indicate that student learning is at a competitive high in Australian Independent Schools. At GLC we celebrate being able to offer such quality education for our students.
Jill Lange-Mohr
Head of College