23 March 2020
Earlier today we shared a message from our College Principal, Sue Ellis and our Head of College, Jill Lange-Mohr.
We now wish to share an update with all families.
23 March 2020
Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers
Many thanks for your continued support as we navigate the current situation with COVID-19. As promised, we are providing additional information regarding the coming weeks.
Camp Australia Care
• We are pleased to confirm that Camp Australia will be providing care for the reminder of the week, Tuesday 24 March – Friday 27 March, for registered families.
• Camp Australia will be providing Vacation Care from Monday 30 March – Tuesday 14 April inclusive, for registered families.
• If you are not already registered with Camp Australia, you will need to do this in order to use their service at www.campaustralia.com.au
College Communication
• Throughout the coming weeks, you can expect to have communication from the College to keep you informed and supported. We will be communicating with you as we receive updates and guidelines from the various Government agencies and Lutheran Education District Office. This may take a number of different formats:
o Emails
o CareMonkey
o Telephone calls/SMS
o Facebook
Remote Learning
• Our teachers are continuing to plan for continuity of your child/ren’s learning for Term 2, should a school closure be announced in the coming weeks.
• Learning opportunities may include on-line options, as well as project-based learning and will be intrinsically linked to the Term 2 curriculum.
• A variety of platforms will be used to share learning programs. These include Seesaw (Primary), email, SIMON and Microsoft Teams.
Student Safety
• We will continue to abide by our Child Protection Policy (refer to our website). Student safety will remain our top priority. Should remote learning become a reality, every precaution for on-line communication should be adhered to.
• Please ensure that you discuss cyber safety guidelines with your child/ren. The College recommends the site: www.esafety.gov.au
We wish you and your family God’s blessings and good health.
In support,
Sue Ellis - Principal
Jill Lange-Mohr - Head of College