22 August 2022
Congratulations to our Preps across both campuses who have celebrated their 100th day of school!
After 100 days of counting and an exciting build up, our St John's Preps had a wonderful celebration for this special milestone in their school journey. The students and teachers came dressed inspired by 100, with most dressing up as older people, and one creative student going all out as a centipede. We counted, coloured and created all things to do with 100. We laughed, we cheered, and we all loved the day so much. Bring on the next 100!
The Armstrong Creek Prep classes had a wonderful day celebrating being 100 days wiser. They were all very excited to dress up as something they wanted to be now that they are 100 days wiser. Students were involved in a number of activities, including 100 fruit loop necklaces, 100s crowns, handprints and 100 days fitness activities with their Year 5 buddies. The Preps were able to share this special day with all their friends and are looking forward to the next 100 days together.