5 March 2021
The Year 5s recently visited the Geelong Art Gallery and did a walking tour of Geelong. At the Art Gallery the students saw the 'View of Geelong' which was painted in 1856 and 'The Geelong Road' which was painted in 2004. It was noticeable just how much Geelong has changed, while it was also evident how the painters used the colours and techniques to show their interpretation of the landscape. The group looked at the plaques on buildings and searched for signs which had been incorporated into the buildings. This indicated when a building was built and its original use. The group viewed some old photographs of Geelong streets and noticed similarities and differences. Some of the buildings were still there but others have changed a lot. People wear different clothes, and the roads and transport are different. It was good to learn about the history of Geelong, gaining a greater understanding of the generations that went before.