20 March 2020
What a term we’ve had in the Primary School at Geelong Lutheran College Armstrong Creek! Our year has started so positively with teachers and students working collaboratively to identify what they value in each other and how they work together to create a great environment for learning. Our Preps have settled in well to their classes and playground, and the gains that they have made in learning routines, developing friendships and engaging in literacy and numeracy learning has been impressive. We also welcome quite a number of new students throughout the Primary school, and are delighted with how well you have become part of our community.
This year our Year 5 and 6 students have begun working with Math Pathways, an exciting model for personalised mastery learning in maths. Students have undertaken in-depth diagnostic tasks, and are developing the skills required to take greater ownership of their maths learning. The enthusiasm with which I’m seeing students engage and talk about maths is notable, and I’m looking forward to seeing how that translates to growth in learning.
The end of the term has seen some changes in the way that we do things here at school, as we support the safety and well-being of our students and families. While our Assemblies (Monday morning) and Chapels (Wednesday morning) have been cancelled for now, once we resume these activities I warmly invite parents to attend and share in the community life of our Primary School.
We are also making plans for supporting students in their learning at home should we have a period of social distancing and school closure. While these events are a challenge in so many ways, they also provide us with an opportunity to think about teaching and learning in a new way, and seek ways to connect and share even when learning remotely. Parent teacher interviews have been planned for Week 9 (Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 March) and we encourage parents to refer to our communication regarding conducting these interviews with teachers by phone. Please email your child’s teacher to make a time to discuss your child’s learning.