17 September 2020
During the first week in September our secondary students had the opportunity to participate in the online Education Perfect Maths World Championships for 2020. Our students joined with students from all around the world who have a passion for Maths. Students solved Maths problems from the different strands of Maths – number, algebra, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics, while earning points towards awards and prizes. GLC spent 36 hours, answering 13,107 questions, earned 11, 035 points and achieved two credits, one bronze, one silver and one gold award. Geelong Lutheran College came 4thin Victoria for the 251-500 student’s category. Congratulations to Thomas N. Year 8 (Gold Award), Jack D. Year 10 (Silver Award), Xabier W. Year 10 (Bronze Award), Sienna H. Year 7 (Credit Award), Rhys M. Year 7 (Credit Award). Well done to all students who participated in the competition.