17 September 2020
This week sees the end of another term of learning for staff, students and families of GLC Armstrong Creek Primary. We value lifelong learning and improvement at GLC, and this term has provided us with the opportunity to respond to feedback and seek further development and improvement to our approach to remote learning. In Remote learning 2.0 a more streamlined learning program for our Primary students has fine-tuned our recognition of the particular challenges parents and caregivers face in supporting the learning of our young people while at home while also managing work and other responsibilities. Expanded opportunities to build class community and learning focus through Microsoft Teams meetings has been valuable, as well as providing further learning intervention support through video.
I wish to acknowledge all those who have been central to the continued learning progress of our students:
· Our dedicated and highly professional teachers have worked in close collaboration, seeking continual improvement and finding so many creative ways to keep up the enthusiasm and learning engagement, and whose support of students and families has been so critical
· Our learning coaches have been instrumental in supporting targeted students across the school to support continued progress in core literacy and numeracy skills
· Our amazing parents and caregivers, who have given their best to work in partnership with us through this most challenging season
· Our students who have brightened our days with their ready smiles in Teams meetings, creative emoji use and words of encouragement for each other on Seesaw. We loved sharing in your learning at home and are so proud of your efforts and your attitudes!
We look forward with anticipation and joy towards our return to school next term, and can’t wait to share our learning experiences together.