23 March 2020
Dear Geelong Lutheran College community.
Please see below an important communication from our Principal, Sue Ellis and Head of College, Jill Lange-Mohr in relation to today’s announcement by Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews. We request that you share it with your friends and family that are part of the Geelong Lutheran College community.
22 March, 2020
Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers.
Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement over the last weeks. We have been blessed that our College staff have put our students first and foremost at a time when they needed stability, reassurance and predictability in their lives.
No doubt you would be aware of the Victorian Government’s decision to shut all Government schools as of close of business Monday 23 March, 2020.
The attached image is an excerpt from a statement declared earlier today by the Victorian Premier.
The Geelong Lutheran College Council has approved for the St John’s Newtown and Armstrong Creek campuses to commence holidays from close of business Monday 23 March, 2020.
Therefore, Monday 23 March, 2020 will be the last day of Term 1. We will be encouraging students to take home their books and other resources to share their learning journeys with you to date.
Parent/Teacher telephone interviews will be postponed until Term 2.
At this stage, it is anticipated that school will resume for Term 2 on Wednesday 15 April, 2020. However, this may change depending on advice from Government bodies.
Teachers will continue to plan for the development of remote learning which will include on-line options.
We ask that you continue to watch for updates from Geelong Lutheran College. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation as it develops and maintain communication throughout the holidays.
Given the decisions that have been made, we urge you to follow all recommendations regarding social interactions, holidays, movements and gatherings, including ‘play dates’ to ensure we are all doing our part to keep our community healthy.
These are extraordinary times. Please be assured that, should remote learning become a reality, teachers will ensure that learning and communication will continue after the holidays.
Finally, please remember that at this challenging time, you are not alone. We continue to pray for you, our students and families, our staff and wider community.
God bless you all.
Sue Ellis - Principal
Jill Lange-Mohr - Head of College